Talk to our tutor and fill out our "Join Thinking Tree Tutors" form so one of our tutors can book you in for a demo session.
Step 2
See how many sessions are recommended along with the duration per session.
Step 3
Join our google classroom, and see what equipment you may need for your session.
Make sure to bring a book, pencil, eraser, and a set of headphones.
Steps Before Your Session!
Step 1
Fill out our "Join Thinking Tree Tutors " form.
Step 2
Check your child's grades, current schoolwork, and a clear knowledge of your goals and areas for improvement. This will enable the instructor in determining where to begin and what they can do to assist you in achieving your objectives.
Step 3
Come to class 2-3 minutes early to ensure the meeting link is working and everything is set. Once the meeting is over have a mini talk with the tutor for any feedback that the tutor may have for you!